Top Ten Tuesday: 10 books I resolve to finish this year

2016-01-05 22.38.24I’ve already written about my literary resolutions, but then I saw that the Top Ten Tuesday meme (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish) for this week was all about resolutions. At first, I was disappointed, and then I realized I didn’t make a resolution about specific books I am hoping to read/finish this year. So here they are:

  1. Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin (I’ve read much of this and loved it, but didn’t finish it, and then didn’t want to go back to it because I’ll have to start it in the beginning.)
  2. Home by Toni Morrison
  3. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Working through it right now!)
  4. Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
  5. Characters and Viewpoints by Orson Scott Card
  6. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (I know, I feel ashamed that I haven’t read this, especially since I just completed a college Shakespeare class.)
  7. 1984 by George Orwell
  8. The Casual Vacancy (I’ve heard it wasn’t very good, but the author of Harry Potter wrote it, so I feel as if I should read it anyway…and I already own it, so why not!)
  9. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
  10. On Writing by Stephen King


3 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: 10 books I resolve to finish this year”

  1. “On Writing” by Stephen King is something that I’ve heard A LOT of great things about for the last several years (even though it’s been out for nearly 16 years!), to the point where I almost wished chapters would’ve been assigned in my creative writing courses. Oh well, it’s been on my TBR for almost five years–I can’t blame college for not including it!

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it. You have 50 more weeks to read it! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve heard great things about it as well, so it’s time I read it. I’ll let you know if it lives up to its expectations–if I get to it before you do. Also, 50 weeks is still a tone of time, but somehow that countdown is super intimidating. I need to get off of here and go read!


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